Monday, December 31, 2007


This is the end of the journey I started two weeks ago: initially I had doubts about my ability to last the distance but I made it! Phew, sometimes it's good to pen down these thoughts and have a good laugh at it some time in the future; and it's some insight into one self for others. Just hope some of the things I've written wouldn't put off my so-called friends...just because it shows them how little they know me. Hey, everyone's entitled to their little secrets; not that I have bared myself naked. There are still some...

Anyway, I'll start off by recalling my 'moments' of 2007:

1. Resignation from my first and only job - 27January 2007
2. New job interview (first interview ma...) - 19 June 2007
3. New job - started 1 July 2007
4. Brush with death (water tubing) - 10 November 2007

Eh, that's all? How boring of me... Probably there were others, but none as 'momentous' as these. Still, it's quite boring isn't it?

So now for 2008. I don't actually make resolutions, because I have this tendency of not keeping to them. OK, that's maybe because I forget about them. Perhaps this year would be different? Maybe, since I'm writing it down tonight. Just have to wait for the end of 2008 to see how much I have achieved...

1. Read a different book once a month, more if possible
2. Go on a blaredy holiday...anywhere this year!
3. Learn to cook one other item, apart from eggs and instant noodles
4. Get to know ten new people, at least...
5. Exercise at least once a week (I know that's inadequate, but at least it's a start right?)
6. Think my car won't last till the end of the year - so perhaps a new one?
7. Time to get a new home!
8. And who knows...restart my walk with God...

Phew! That's it. Time to move on!

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