Meanwhile there's my nephew. He's now about 18 months old. Boy what a roller-coaster ride. Sure I don't have to really care for him, but I get involved too. I have too. Yeah, from making milk, changing nappies, cradling and calming, chasing after, teaching and disciplining. Yup, the whole gamut. It takes an emotional as well as physical toll.
I remember his first colic night. Wow, did it last long. Think I didn't sleep till 4.00 a.m. Not helped by my overanxious family members. I guess the first experience is the worst. They learn to adapt after that. Then there's the usual feeding and teething irritabilities - oh, what baby doesn't go through that. As a whole, he had a fairly uneventful infancy - really: minimal fevers, coughs and colds, and even diarrhoea. One lucky kid. Oh feeding became a chore - he was fussy and would almost always never finish his bottle of milk. Even when he could hold the bottle, he refuses to - we had to hold the bottle in order for him to feed. Wow, how manipulative can they be?
When we had his baby shower, everyone was commenting how slow he was at walking. At the time he could only crawl and walk a few steps. Naturally my mom was concerned. Don't need to worry though - a few days later, he became the devil on two feet. Of course there's the trips and falls - every cry would bring everyone running. Once he could stand, then every little object in the house became fair game - and another headache. At this age, discipline and conditioning becomes important. This is where I disagree with how his parents handle him. I'm old school - I believe pain is the way. Too much love and too little pain only gives the wrong impression. I could see how he manipulates his parents into getting what he wants. I smell trouble in the future.
My mom's worried about his speech. He only baby talks, and probably papa. No mama yet you know. Well not to worry I would say. You can see he's a bright kid - he follows instructions, plays and interacts normally, and basically a nuisance as a kid should be. He's learning to say yes and no - the speech would follow soon. And before you know it, I'll be putting ear plugs into my ears!! He's able to indicate that he has urinated, and even passed motion! Actually he tells he wants to urinate, but when we gets him his potty he doesn't do the business there and then - only a few moments later on the floor. Potty-training will have to take a while.
He's got a big appetite. He takes everything - edible or not. It's a handful looking after his every step - you just can't guess what he will put into his mouth next. Not to mention taking and grabbing everything he could get his hands on. Oh, he's got a temper too - he hits, slaps and throws tantrums, especially if we deny him anything he wants. Perhaps I'm a bit cruel, but I love to get him into those situations. My favourite form of punishment? The finger flick. Works like a charm every time. Of course after that I get looks from my mom and sister-in-law...
That's it for now. Have to go nephew-sit. Bye!
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