Saturday, December 08, 2007

Religious Intolerance?

First we had the whole Kudat Ma-Tzu statue issue - I thought it was just a one-off thing. Then we had the Indian temple demolitions that even the all-powerful Samy Vellu couldn't stop. Now we have the cries for cross removal from missionary schools!!

At least the Star today had something worth reading!!

Why bring this up, now? Especially when sentiment is simmering following the HINDRAF rally two weeks ago...unless there is a hidden agenda here! I am not against Islam - there are more similarities than differences to Christianity: both are religions that promote peace and understanding - but I fear for the worse when this religion of peace is subverted and used as a clarion call for violence. Just look no further than the world's troubled hotspots and you can see how much it worries me...

It is usually the end-game when religion comes into play - I certainly hope that this is not the case for our country!!

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