In no particular order...
1. NEP - New Economic Policy or Never Ending Policy?
2. May 13, 1969
3. Operasi Lalang
4. Judiciary Crisis, 1988
5. The Memali incident
6. Bank-Bumiputra scandal
7. Perwaja Steel scandal
8. Sacking of Anwar Ibrahim
9. MATRADE building fiasco
10. Naval offshore patrol boat fiasco
11. PKFZ white elephant
12. Annual mismanagement of public funds by civil servants
13. Causeway crooked bridge
14. Lingamgate scandal
15. Police force under criminal thumb
16. Government buildings falling apart
17. Leaky Parliament
18. Uncouth MPs
19. Istana Zakaria
20. Close one-eye MP
21. Sabah and Sarawak CM warlords
22. Keris-waving and seditious comments during UMNO General Assembly
23. BERSIH and HINDRAF rallies
24. Walk for Justice by Bar Council
25. Negarakuku
26. Islamic vs. Secular state
27. High-handedness of religious authorities
28. Religious persecution
29. Police lock-up nude squats
30. UMNO goons stealing flood aid
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