Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I Wish...

Do wishes come true? I guess you can wish all you like, but you still have to make an effort in order to see it to fruition, either on your own accord, or on an angel's wings! Make no mistake about it, wishes do come true. Not only in fairytales or movies, but also in real life.

Anyway, these wishes are probably a little bit past me...but then again there are things I could work on and make them a reality. Who knows, next year may be the one! If not, then at least I can dream and wish, can't I?

1. I could play a musical instrument
I actually have a soft spot for music. To me it is one of the most beautiful of man's creations. Music has always have had a calming and invigorating effect on me. To listen and enjoy is one thing; to be able to play an instrument, to replicate the work or even to create a new work is another. I was always jealous of those who could play the piano or guitar. I tried learning the guitar, but didn't go very far. I admit that I don't get music, and I am very likely tone deaf. But still, perhaps it's worth another try?

2. I could ride a bike??
Uh, I'm not referring to a motorcycle FYI. Oh yeah, I'm one of those very rare individuals who haven't had the childhood experience of riding a bicycle. It's a bit of an embarrassment actually, but it's something easily achieved if I had wanted to. Sad to say since I've learnt to drive, cycling was not high on the priority list. Ssshh...

3. I had guts
Sometimes I just wanna let my guard down and do something wild and spontaneous. However rationality and fear are my greatest weaknesses. So I don't end up doing anything 'exciting'. Like getting stoned out boozing; walking up to a girl and chatting her up; getting laid. How boring my life is!!

4. I had more luck
Some people have all the luck, others like me don't. Not entirely no luck, but I don't think I'm getting my fair share. There's a saying that you make your own luck - to a certain extent probably that is true. But in others like buying 4D numbers, timing of stock market entry and the like, a little more luck will be helpful. Perhaps my luck will change for the better next year?

5. I could crack jokes
As an icebreaker of course! Everyone loves a funny man. Well, at least someone who can deliver a punchline properly. Unfortunately I am not that kind of person. Say, maybe I can work on first remembering the jokes first, and then on the delivery! Seriously, I suck at both... Too bad, because comedy pays!

6. I was less sensitive
Emotionally. Yeah I get put off, distraught and depressed when I get criticised. I always put the blame on me first (rather than pointing fingers at other people!) and end-up over-analysing myself. A friend of mine called me sensitive. I guess so. Need to be less sensitive about what people think about me, but more sensitive towards others around me. Hmm, I thought I already was...but there's always room for improvement.

7. I was more Chinese
Too bad I was brought up more Western than Chinese. I regret not being able to converse properly in the Chinese dialects, or read Chinese, or learn about my ancestral culture. It would have been a tremendous advantage in my field of work. Learn? Perhaps, once the desire becomes overwhelming. Tried to self-learn but fell flat! I need a hand...anyone?

8. I was more creative
I'm more of a right-brain person. That would explain my clunkiness in anything creative - arts, music, dance, writing etc. I do have a creative spark on and off, but only in writing though - not enough to make a living out of. I fancy playing around with words, but good ideas don't come around easily. How I wish that light bulb above my head would always be on 24/7...

9. I was more carefree
I'm not the the kind of 'do first, think later' person; more of the other way around. Don't you wish you could do things without thinking of the consequences first and handle it later? I wish I could do it once in a while. Try not to be too rational. Let my guard down a bit. Don't worry too much about the outcome. I'll have to work on this a bit more next year, and it'll probably do me a lot of good!

10. I was more of a handyman
It's great to know how to fix things without calling for professional assistance. Simple things around the house. Unfortunately I have never been good with my hands, so all these slip me by. Gotta learn about these things; it'll save you time and money. Now I need to go out and buy that DIY book...and practice!

11. I could cook
Another artistic trait that I lack. The only thing I can cook are instant noodles...and I'm good at it. Now if only I could expand my skills to the rest of the culinary world... There's always cookbooks and Google. But first I need to know my food ingredients. And that would be a lot of effort. No pain no gain, I guess!

12. I was computer savvy
By this I mean more than knowing the basics of computer hardware and software - to learn programming language, modifying the computer settings, building a computer from scratch, perhaps even a little hacking! But somehow I don't have the knack for it. Maybe I'm still young enough to be self-taught. If not then I have to for classes...

So many wishes, I'm almost I think I'll pause here for now. Let's see how many of these wishes come true by the end of next year!

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