Monday, December 17, 2007

Bad Day, so far...

Yup I tossed and turned till about 4.00 a.m. before I fell asleep, I think. What I got was not a fisful sleep, more like a dream-like state. Anyway it wasn't long before I has to wake up at 7.30 a.m. - obviously with a massive hangover headache (sleep hangover that is...). The weather was definitely not conducive for work but work is still, work.

Nearly reversed my car into the one parked behind me when I started the engine; never realised that I put my car into reverse instead of first gear. First time it happened to me. Probably the coffee hasn't kicked in just yet. Of course there was the ubiquitous traffic jam and road rage drivers on the highways this morning. But at least I got to work on time, and in one piece.

The stock markets are still continuing their slow downward slide; so there's no excitement there. Also I'm not too interested in work these few days - maybe because of the upcoming holidays and weekend. Just gotta pick myself up for the coming year.

And another thing, selecting Christmas gifts isn't as easy as one would make it out to be. Maybe I'm a bit fussy and picky - but I guess I'd have to when the gift would set me back a thousand or so.

Oh well...

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