Saturday, December 29, 2007


This is the newest, and probably hottest craze in the social-networking domain today. Well, people were talking about Friendster before; now they're talking about Facebook.

Not wanting to be left behind, I joined the bandwagon. Basically it's a site where individuals create their own profiles and invite others (friends) to join in an ever-expanding pool; it's a great way to look up old friends (only if they're into the Facebook craze of course). There's of course the basic messaging, picture and video uploading. But what sets Facebook apart from the rest is the number of applications available to brighten up your profile - you name it you've got it there. Games, virtual gifts, matchmaking, information etc. are all available. I myself have been carried away these last few days playing Scrabble and Boggle (named Scrabulous and Bogglific respectively) online with other users.

It's really addictive. Why join? I ask you: why not join?

P.S. Hey, even Lim Kit Siang has got his own Facebook profile...

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