Saturday, October 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Today marks the end of the fasting month for Muslims worldwide, and the start of the new Muslim calendar year. KL and PJ is of course, quiet as most city-dwellers balik kampung or go on a deserved holiday. It's a joy to drive on the roads in the city now, but things will be back to normal in a few days. So I'll enjoy the quiet while I can.

Somehow I can't shake the feeling that the festive seasons in this country is getting quieter over the years. I feel the atmosphere eerily subdued this year too. Maybe it's me; or is the spirit of muhibbah that we have fostered over the years slowly slipping away and dying out in the face of increasing racial divide and distrust?

I certainly hope not...for this interview on Malaysia-Today paints a bleak future for our country if we continue to ignore the realities that face us all today.

Anyway, for old time's sake - Selamat Hari Raya!

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