Thursday, February 07, 2008

Election Rhetorics

You know that it the election is drawing near when the mainstream media starts the ball rolling on the usual election rhetorics, exclusively of course by the ruling party. And I find it quite funny that such news is even more pronounced this time around...we have to thank BERSIH and HINDRAF for that.

I also find it quite amusing that when the PM, DPM and the UMNO kuncus speak to mainstream media, they talk about Malaysians...but to the Malays in the ceramahs, or the UMNO gatherings they talk about Malay rights. Political double speak which disgusts me. Blatant almost, but one they know which will win them votes in the elections...and the right to continue to plunder and rape this country.

Just look at the following news:
Abdullah promises to consider needs of all Malaysians
Yeah, right...

Najib promises orderly relocation of temples
Hello, shouldn't it have been done properly in the first place?

Adnan: Opposition free to hold activities in Putrajaya
ROFL...and who would issue the police permit?

‘Inspired’ Pak Lah can sense Kelantanese want Barisan state government
Let's just hope that they don't lose the seats they already have

Adding to the usual rhetoric is the fanning of racial flame in the wake of the HINDRAF rally. This is a tried-and-tested UMNO tactic, which unfortunately worked each and every time. Perhaps with greater education and dissemination of proper information, the Malays would see through the charade and make a better decision when it comes to the choosing their representatives in the Parliament. After all we do not want bozos (read the three jokers) debating pointless topics and/or making unsavoury comments during parliament time!!

So we wait for the inspired Mr. Sleepyhead (must've been a dream...) for his call on the election...just wonder how long more we have to wait?

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