Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Closer to Reality

It seems that the winds are blowing again. While I do foresee that this congestion charge plan would eventually become a reality, I doubt it would take any form in the near future; primarily because of the upcoming general elections. Then they'd have to take months to conduct a feasibility study, then run it through the cabinet and then Parliament blah blah, it'll probably take a year or two; that is if the protests haven't stopped it dead in its tracks by then...

What I am more concerned about is the fact that there has been minimal, if any, improvement in our Klang Valley public transport system; it has to be improved before congestion charges are implemented. Otherwise there would not be any benefit to road users in Kuala Lumpur, apart from the connected few which stand to reap the impending monetary harvest. Obviously the promise early in this year when petrol subsidies were cut to use the savings to improve public transport has come to nought.

This plan is still a long way from seeing daylight. We shall see whether it eventually will come to fruition.

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