Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More Questions...

OK, so it was touted to be the trial of the year: the trial of the three individuals who has been accused to have blown up Mongolian model Altantuya Shariibu. Eyes and ears of all interested Malaysians as well as the rest of the world waited for the story that followed. And they got one! The trial was postponed to June 18 because the prosecuting team was changed at the very last minute!!

Now I think that only happens in Bolehland...but this is ridiculous for such a high-profile case! This turn of events brings up even more questions: why was the team changed, and at the very last minute at that; and would the head of civil division be the best person to conduct the prosecution of a criminal case (after all he replaces the heads of the criminal division)? Was there any instructions to the Attorney-General to 'manipulate' the trial? Ahh...so many questions...and yet the Attorney General was simply too silent. On the other side, one of the counsel for the defendents excused himself, citing 'interference' from third parties which does not enable him to discharge his duties to the best of his ability: now who are these third parties?

And a last twist to the story: the father of the murdered model is suing the Malaysian Government for RM 100 million as a result of this farce.

Wow, this is getting interesting...let's wait in anticipation for the latest in what is Bolehland Law!

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