Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not another one!

Oops it happened again! I'm sure that's what the advisor to the George Bush must have thought when he heard the Virginia Tech massacre. Don't these politicians ever learn? Guns are dangerous, and should be controlled. I just wonder how many more innocent people are going to die before they do something about it. Hiding behind the Second Amendment should not help; and what an archaic pronouncement have relevance in this society today I wonder.

But this time, the shooter was a Korean and an Asian. Not one of their own. I just feel for all the Asians out there now, looking behnd their backs wondering the next thing would be a revenge bullet. I hope that things would not get from bad to worse.

Condolences go out to the families of the victims as well as all those affected by the shooting. I just pray that this does not repeat itself.

Another lesson learnt? Or would the killing spree continue? I just hope those politicians get their act right for once.

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