Friday, April 06, 2007

Bloggers register!!

Bloggers may have to register

Oh brother! What else would the government think of next? Maybe they are worried that responsible bloggers are spreading the real truth more widely than they have anticpated. Come on, you can't keep it from us forever!

I mean it's ridiculous to register bloggers...there are so many of us, and the purpose? To keep an eye on us? And how are they gonna do that? Keep an eye on keywords like government, BN etc.?? Blogging should be freedom of speech, as long as it doesn't incite people to do harm. Most of us blog as a form of sharing of views and ideas, an online diary of their life (public ones), or as a way to vent our frustation at certain aspects of life. Is that so wrong?

I think the government should spend their time more wisely on matters of importance...there are plenty of them out there!!

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