Thursday, November 30, 2006

One more to go!

Hey it's nearly the end of the year now!! And you know what that means...the holidays are here! So this year is a bit different...there's Christmas as usual, and then the year end Hari Raya Haji and New Year holidays. So a lot of people get the chance to partayyy...

But unfortunately not for us poor doctors. Holiday or not, we still have to work. But I guess that's our line of work, and we are resigned to this fact. Well as for me I'll be working over the long year-end holidays, and I'll probably take leave after that. I guess it's in my nature to allow people to party and me to suffer...ha, ha...

Oh, well it won't be for long now...the suffering will end some time. Till then just have to stomach and endure the pain. Who knows, when the pain ends, it may be for the better?

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