Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Day In, Day Out

I never thought being a doctor could be so routine. Well, if you look at the big picture it is: you get up, go to hospital, see patients, treat them, leave, and go back home. But I guess any other job is routine.

But lately the routine-ness have been getting out of hand. Even when working in the Emergency Department. I guess it probably have to do with the large numbers of patient not needing emergency care...these are probably the most irritating and routine part of the job there. Imagine seeing innumerable cough and colds, sprains and backaches, headaches and sore can drive you crazy. At least it puts your brain to sleep: and work on a spinal reflex level. Trust me, I am working at this level.

Once in a while however the lightbulb up in my head shines brightly...the occasional case that needs a spark to put it all together, but these are far and few in between. It is these cases that makes me cherish and love being a doctor, not listening to grovelling 'sick' patients most people are...(sorry if I actually offend the truly sick). Compassion is certainly in short supply in the Emergency Department, especially if you work day in, day out.

Well I guess there are other ways to spice up one's life: change departments, move to the public health sector, or be a specialist and mix around with the big boys (?!). But i'm not into these things...too bad ain't it? Oh well, that's what you get for being a lowly-paid civil servant these days. Things will get better, but how we wish that it would happen faster than it's snail pace currently...

Anyway, it's back to the daily grind and run-of-the-mill least my spinal reflexes work for these boring days...and let's hope for at least, an occasional fireworks...

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