Thursday, July 13, 2006

Me...a mouse potato?

Mouse potato: "Someone who spends an inordinate amount of time using a computer. An interactive couch potato."

Hmmm...I've been thinking a lot about that lately. Do I spend an inordinate amount of time in front of a computer? Gee, I may surf the Net 18 hours a day, download gigabytes of movies, rarely move out of my room, and lately, eating IN, but no, I don't think I spend an inordinate amount of time in front of a computer. Hey in fact I think in this interactive world everyone is in a way, mice potatoes!

Btw, what does inordinate mean? No biggie...I'll just check it out online!

Human interaction is not my strongpoint. Huh? And I'm a doctor you say? Well it's true...I don't have that many friends, and the ones I do I don't spend much time with. Sure there's the IM availability, but only if they're online. And talking to patients and talking to another human being aka person may not be the same. I feel more comfortable talking to patients on an impersonal level rather than talk to a friend on a deeper personal level. I guess people do not understand me. Or is it because I read too much into the body language of a person I talk too? Too confusing? Aaah...that's why I have decided to become a mouse potato.

Err...I'm not fat, but I did put on some weight. Guess about 15 kg now, and with a waistline to flaunt. It's about time I get out and get bigger sized pants, but I'm too lazy. Hmmm...if only buying stuff online was that easy here in this country.

In the future I hope to work out of my room. Ha...ha...fat chance. No human touch my esteemed professionals will say. But it's true. Being a doctor one has to use all six senses. Six you say? Yup, the sixth sense to know when a frigging patient is lying to you. I worked that sense up pretty good so far.

Gee I think I better get back to my surfing. And clear off my movies on the hard drive. Stargate and Stargate Atlantis new seasons will be starting tomorrow. And there goes the plan to the beach. But nothing beats sitting in front of my comfy seat, wide inch LCD monitor and trusty desktop to watch the latest entertainment has to offer.

Life is good...and I love being a mouse potato.

Click and off...

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