Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lost in Translation...

Phew...didn't realise it was already nearly a week since my last blog. Was a blur of a week, with work and sleep, work and sleep, work and sleep...

Hmm, for starters patients at the hospital are really a pain. You know when you work at Emergency Department, you expect emergencies, not 'cold' cases. It's takes a lot out of you if you are busy trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff if you are busy. I had two cases 'bounce' back because I was trying to be quick about it...and I hate this about my job. But life still goes on...

Had been trying this Yahoo! Answers thing...has anyone out there been trying it? It's pretty interesting and weird at the same time, a learning and unlearning experience. Think it's an experiment on how the society would take on to this open book experience...but it's going astray. Hey, just look at the amount of rubbish questions out there, as well as the weird answers...and oh, I'm guilty of some of it too :))

My weekends gonna be dominated by the Stargate series...gonna be a long tenth Stargate season as well as third Stargate Atlantis season. Just waiting for the new CSI seasons to start, and I should be a very busy mouse potato. Meanwhile I'm just downloading whatever comes to mind...

Well, till the next time around...Yahoo! Answers!

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