Saturday, July 08, 2006

Crocodile Tears?


Aaah...a failed attempt at diving?

So the knives have been sharpened against poor old Ronaldo. Oh, not Ronaldo of Brazil, but Ronaldo of Portugal. English press have launched scathing attacks on him, so much so I wonder how he could come back to perform at the Theatre of Dreams without fearing for his life. His antics against Wayne Rooney...feigned or not may cost him dearly...aka some certain South Korean in 2002?

But coming to his defence is his national coach. I do not disagree that he is a great dribbler and wonderful football player; and I agree as well that there are worse 'simulators' out there than him. Then again he is in the spotlight now for what he has done. It may have gotten Portugal a place in the semifinals, but cost them their place in the final instead.

Great footballer, with skills or not, he is a well-known simulator. During the match with England I counted at least three theatrical dives, feigned injuries etc. I wonder how these players live with themselves. It's bad enough to deceive a referee; worse to try to get fellow players sent off. They should be punished for their attempts.

Simulation is a rampant behaviour nowadays. I remember the days in the early Premier League: there were hardly any diving and players played their hearts out. It all started when foreigners started coming into the Premier league, and once it took hold, it spread like wildfire. Foregone conclusion. And it is even more rampant in the Spanish and Italian leagues. Wonder whether it has anything to do with the presence of South Americans...

Here in lies the beauty of video evidence. The authorities should use it to good effect. Punishment should be heavy, both in terms of suspensions and monetary fines. Would serve as a deterrent against future budding simulators.

At least then we may not see so much crocodile tears...

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