Friday, August 31, 2007


Yay! Merdeka...but not much to celebrate about, sniff... As we celebrate our 50 years of independence, we enter a period of increasing corruption, crime rate, standards of living and racial polarisation - even as our national leaders espouse the exact opposite. Everything seems to be hunky dory if the mainstream media and government spin doctors are to be believed...but the truth is more painful to the world.

Tell that to the poor whose lands are taken over and/or taken advantage of by the Government or their cronies.

Tell that to those whose family members and friends are killed indiscriminately in the streets.

Tell that to those who struggle to make a living, and to make ends meet every single day - what with the rising fuel, transportation and food costs.

Tell that to those who has to bear the rhetoric on Bumiputras and Islam on a daily basis.

People are angry and fed up - all talk and no action. They want action. Actions which none up there want to, or willing to take. Guess that is why not many Malaysians want to fly the national colours - even if it was given free! I definitely wouldn't...

What's worse is all this talk of what if I do not fly the flag? Call me unpatriotic - I don't care. Patriotism is something you develop through experience and interaction - I am not surprised if the majority of Malaysians can be considered unpatriotic today. I believe Namewee is more of a patriot that most of the self-serving politicians out there!

So happy 50th anniversary Malaysia...

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