Friday, August 31, 2007

Like I said - nothing new!

So amputation it is! I really feel for the parents who were given the run around by the officials. Although I am not privy to the information provided by the specialists and hospital administration, I just wonder how much false hope has been planted that the arm could be saved. Even in the very first photo (unclear as it was) the demarcation was clearly evident. The arm was not salvageable. Maybe it was a PR stunt to show that they were trying the best - but the time lost was irreplaceable. And they were still giving the infection background story - please own up!

I pity the specialists too - now they would have to come in whenever the slightest worry or call comes about! Doesn't our esteemed Health Minister know that specialists on-call hardly comes in if there was an emergency? Almost all instructions are through the phone! Period. So the poor medical officers and house officers are the ones to shoulder the burden and responsibility. Worse for them, there are those specialists who scold them whenever there is a call for advice!! Even though the specialists are ultimately responsible for the care given to patients. Sometimes I don't get it - I myself find it difficult to give advice over the phone without seeing the patient first hand - maybe these specialists has got super vision or mind reading abilities or something. Now it has come a full circle to haunt them, especially the specialist involved in this unfortunate baby's case.

So unless Chua Soi Lek has been living in a tempurung - it is nothing new!

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