Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spiderman 3

So I finally went to a cinema for a movie - the last time I went was two years ago (hmm, it was Kingdom of Heaven)!! Well I owe this to the wonders of BitTorrent. And saved me quite a few bucks too...

Anyway it wasn't my intention to see the show yesterday, but as I trawled through 1U, I stopped by at the GSC Cinema - whoa RM11 for a ticket!! Forget it! And look at the lines! A lot of rich kids nowadays. Then I moseyed over to TGV - the lines were shorter and tickets were RM4 cheaper. So what the heck. Had a quick lunch, bought a few things and did more window shopping. Got myself a drink and I was ready for the show.

Well, I guess it was kinda OK: had a lot of action and storyline was relatively fine, but I didn't feel so much for this installment compared to Spidey 2 (now that one you really feel for him). I really like Sandman; Venom came and went pretty fast, and Harry's death at the end gave rest to a tortured soul. I give the show probably 7/10 and definitely worth watching just for pure entertainment purposes. I'm sure it'll make lotsa money in the box-office. But I wonder whether there will be a fourth series in the offing...the ending really wraps up the Harry-Peter storyline. Who knows?

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