Friday, May 25, 2007

Pirates Ahoy!

OK, OK I couldn't stand the suspense and hoop-la behind the I had to go and see it on it's second day of release. And this coming from a person who can't remember a thing about the second movie except Jack Sparrow being chased by a horde of angry cannibals...

If you went to see it for its action, it was great. A lot of great special effects and CGI - the crabs carrying the Black Pearl to the sea, the battle scenes between the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl, the marine crew of the Black Pearl (Davy Jones included) to name a few. But the storyline while intact, was to me a bit confusing. And coupled with fast waning slapstick comedy and puns interspersed in between too. Where did Calypso come into the picture anyway? And why the scene with the imaginary Jack Sparrow crew? Lord Beckett's death was too dramatic (just die lar...). Maybe that's because I didn't finish watching the second series (but I managed to gather enough from the crumbs to make out a coherent story). The actors were great and no fantastic acting required - this is of course an action movie. Maybe Chow Yun-Fat's character could have been granted greater time on the show though - he died too fast for my liking. I'm also not sure whether the movie needed the almost-three hour running time it had; it could have been more gripping (and less tedious) if unnecessary scenes were cut out.

The ending left an option for a sequel, which I think would be ill-advised. Too many sequels spoil the trilogy (look what happened to Star Wars). And oh, for those cinema-goers, don't leave the cinema so soon after the might miss something!

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