Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sick hospital or Hospital for the sick?

One Sick Hospital

Wah so beautiful ah...

Ahh...another attention grabbing headline in the Malaysian health scene - and the scary part is, it's nothing new! Remember Hospital Pandan in Johor? Same contactor I think. So the expensive Ampang Hospital has got major problems. And it's out in mainstream media for once. Not like my ex-hospital...whose problems are similar to that at Ampang, but has been kept under wraps. Guess it was not so 'fortunate' to be headlined.

But it does bring into light the shoddy workmanship of the contractors appointed to build the hospitals. Mind you it is not a small company, but one of the largest in this country. Speaks volumes of the ability of these contractors, and I shudder to think of their overseas projects. I guess I need not be worried about the overseas projects - I'm sure they will ensure high standards, but alas for us Malaysians as usual, we are being treated second-rate in our own country! Hmm, sounds like what Proton used to do to us locals :()

I'm sure most if not all the other new hospitals similarly constructed will have the same problems and will be swept under the carpet; after all the profits have been made, palms have been greased; what's left is for the poor souls of this country to foot the mounting repair bills year after year...

And the building is only half the problem. The not-mentioned outdated equipment is another. What people don't realise that it takes up to ten years to plan, build and commission a hospital for operation (a government hospital that is) and most of the equipments have been tendered for at the start of the project...if we include the delays into account...that would be about twelve years. You can imagine a hospital that starts operation in 2005 was planned since 1992, and it's equipment are of the mid 90s. But of course we are not so backdated; we have updated equipment, but that means additional money (in the form of variation orders) - footed by the taxpayers of this country - while the original contractor reaps the benefit of its enterprise...

Ultimately we are the losers...the rich get richer, and the people in need to say lah...

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