Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hop, Hop, Hop, Hop to The Top?

Aiyoh, so many hoppers nowadays: no, no not grasshoppers, frogs or even kangaroos! I'm talking about political party hoppers...yeah just recently one UMNO State Assemblyman 'hopped' over to PKR but now there's talk of two 'hopping' the other way!

I cannot say for sure what their motives and intentions are but it certainly does not bode well for the people; come on, if you are to busy thinking where to hop to, the last thing on your mind would be the people who put you there in the first place right?

I strongly believe if someone wants to change alleigances, he or she should be honourable enough to resign and leave it to the people to choose either them again, or another to represent them.

Heck, with all these hoppers everywhere I won't be surprised if there's another general election soon!

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