Thursday, February 01, 2007

Achoo...the flu is coming!

You know, it's been some time coming. The flu epidemic is overdue. And it's definitely gonna come. The problem is that we don't know when. And when it does, it's gonna spread like wildfire. No region on this planet is going to be spared, except maybe the Arctic regions.

The SARS and bird flu epidemics are but just warning signs. The new flu epidemic will make SARS like the common cold...relatively speaking. And look around's gonna start in our own backyard. Indonesia, Thailand, and recently Japan. The bird flu virus is spreading despite efforts to control them. It takes the highest human toll in Indonesia; and it's the second best bet (after China) to be the source of the new human flu strain.

And yet somehow there's no news about any outbreaks in the country. Strange isn't it? And there is little urgency for preventive measures. Not visible ones at least. Yeah sure there are media reprots about stockpiling of vaccines, contingency planning etc., but there's still a laissez-faire attitude. Hey look at the floods in would think the Government is poised to do more (granted they were caught off-guard, it coming unexpectedly, place maybe but not the time of year!!) in terms of relief efforts. I shudder to think what would happen during an actual flu outbreak.

I really don't think people understand the implications: health, economic and political fallout of a flu outbreak in this country, both to us and worldwide. We better be prepared. The signs are out there.

Flu pandemic
U.S. Pandemic Flu guidelines

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