Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A very sad, sad fact

The death of the House Officer who was killed two weeks after an accident which happened when she was escorting a patient to Hospital Selayang brought to light a very important fact: we doctors as well as other medical staff which performs transfers of patients everyday between the various health centers are not insured against accidents!!! Worse off if we have not been confirmed in service!! We are not 'eligble' for compensation. What in the world does the Health Ministry mean by this?? Are we serving the people without adequate coverage as to our safety as well as the future of our families? How sad this is...

This occurred in an urban area with good roads. We have heard of accidents involving medical staff in rural areas where roads are much worse, or even without proper roads. There are cases of flying doctor helicopter services which crash in Sarawak killing medical staff but hardly brought to light. In all these cases, the medical staff hardly got any compensation for their accidents. It is a very sad fact which had not changed all these years.

Somehow this makes me think twice about getting onto an ambulance and going out there to provide a service for the profession I love. Well, you may say that it is selfish of me, but if something happens, who is going to care for my family? Judging from the Health Ministry's one but myself!!

So should I risk my life for it? Not yet...the ball is in your court Mr. Health Minister!!

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