Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Quiet September

Wow...I didn't realise that is was already the end of the month!! Guess that I didn't have very much to write this whole month.

I just watched Flight 93: a short movie to remember events of 9/11: well as expected it glorified the efforts of the passengers in preventing the suicide attempt of the fourth plane on White House/Capitol building, but a fairly good movie nonetheless. I remembered that day: I was getting ready to go to work when I switched on the news on CNN - they were already reporting the crashes into the World Trade Center. I remember thinking initially that a fire broke out, until I saw the footage of the planes crashing into the towers. I was glued to the TV set since I got back from work and stuck for a few days there after. I guess those events set in motion everything that happened till today: the war in Afghanistan, then Iraq, the oil price rise etc. and who knows what's next.

So the PM said that they would not raise the salaries of civil servants. Well I guess it could be because that the government is spending more on the constuction projects being rolled out. However it is inevitable that the salaries would have to go up sometime soon. It was 14 years since the last review; true that there are a lot of allowances, but most are based on the base salary - if the salary go up, then the allowances go up as well - so it's about time. Maybe next year...when the election draws near, and cost of living continues to increase. And the fact that next year would be the 50th anniversary of the independence. Not a bad time to increase the salary!!

Anyway, life goes on...for now.

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