Friday, November 07, 2008

Fitting Finale

Well I guess the whole High School Musical franchise is officially over...unless there's a resurrection of sorts. Me thinks it has been very successful in bringing musicals back into the public eye ever since the very successful original HSM last year. Successful for Disney that is...I've never actually seen so much publicity for any Disney production before HSM.

The first is always the best? Perhaps, but HSM 3 surpasses its predecessors in a few aspects - the choreography is much better, songs more varied, and the characters less stilted. As a whole the movie gives a feeling of 'fun' that was missing in HSM 2.

I enjoyed the show immensely and highly recommend it...just look past the corniness of the whole storyline and you will actually enjoy it. Perhaps the 'climactic' song could've been better (I feel the best songs of the whole movie was played too early)...but it's worth your money!

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