I can't believe it!!! Now at least Malaysia Today will be more interesting - sauces, spice and all!!
Perhaps there is some hope for Malaysia...perhaps...
Maybe it's the Government trying to curry favour with the people...too bad they still think that Malaysians are so easily hoodwinked by such little tokens.
Well I guess the whole High School Musical franchise is officially over...unless there's a resurrection of sorts. Me thinks it has been very successful in bringing musicals back into the public eye ever since the very successful original HSM last year. Successful for Disney that is...I've never actually seen so much publicity for any Disney production before HSM.
The first is always the best? Perhaps, but HSM 3 surpasses its predecessors in a few aspects - the choreography is much better, songs more varied, and the characters less stilted. As a whole the movie gives a feeling of 'fun' that was missing in HSM 2.
I enjoyed the show immensely and highly recommend it...just look past the corniness of the whole storyline and you will actually enjoy it. Perhaps the 'climactic' song could've been better (I feel the best songs of the whole movie was played too early)...but it's worth your money!
PUTRAJAYA: It is possible for anyone from a minority group to be a nation’s leader, even in Malaysia, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi.
“It is up to the people to decide, just as the Americans had done through the democratic process,” he said while extending his congratulations to Senator Barack Obama.
Reporters had asked him in the Parliament lobby yesterday if it were possible for a person from a minority group to become Prime Minister in Malaysia.
The Star, 6/11/08
This has got to take the cake - the biggest, most blatant, public lie this old goat has ever uttered!!!!
Seems to be the theme worldwide for 2008. Congratulations to Mr. Obama - the first Afro-American President of (used to be) most powerful country in the world. Proves that American democracy is still alive, and kicks racists in the b****!