Thursday, October 09, 2008

Pak Lah - Packed and Ready To Go?

Well, the expected has happened - belatedly: Pak Lah is ready to go by March 2009. Of course this is not unexpected; his tenure had its writing on the wall ever since the historic March 8th election 'tsunami'. Good riddance?

Well the change of government did not happen as promised. Now we have the spectre of Muhd Najib taking over...for better or for worse? I think a lot of Chinese have not forgotten nor forgiven for his 'keris' incident as UMNO Youth Leader in 1987 - so obviously there's 20% of votes BN will have to miss the next election! As for me, I'm more concerned on whether he is capable enough to take over the reins of the doubt he is more alert than Sleepyhead, but how about economically? He is the Finance Minister, no? As it is he has already shown his economic naivety by declaring that Malaysia's relative 'solidity' in the midst of the worldwide economic financial meltdown...wonder what he will say next?

He still has the Altantuya murder case hanging around his neck, despite his Mosque swearings in late August; I don't think he will ever shake off the impression that he is somehow involved in the murder. I believe it too, after all there's no smoke without fire. Apparently there is a rumour that the PI Bala has been paid RM 5 million to 'disappear' by his wife...well only God knows the truth. And to think if he had gained so much from Defence contract commissions when he was Defence Minister, how many fingers would he have in Bank Negara's pot? Scary thought isn't it?

Despite this 'orderly' transition of power in UMNO, there lies more uncertainty ahead for the country. Falling oil prices means lower inflationary pressure but reduced income too. And with palm oil prices falling sharply, two of the main income generators for the country would be sharply blunted. Exports? We can forget about that since the world is about to enter a global recession. Consumer spending? Have you seen the 1998 Asian Financial crisis? Who was spending then? Government pump-priming? Err, where is the money coming from?

But till then Pak Lah is still in power...will he lay silently, or take the last five months to do something he can be remembered by? He can forget about the five things he wants to change on his won't come to fruition, not in his time anyway. But there is one thing he could do! Repeal the ISA of course! Wishful thinking? Maybe...but stranger things have happened in Bolehland!

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