Sunday, June 04, 2006

World Cup Fever

Countdown: 7 days to go....

The fever is in the air. Very contagious. Young and old, male and female, fan or not: no one will be spared. It's all around us. Resistance is futile.

May or may not stay up to watch the matches. Unlike Japan/Korea 2002, it's late night/early mornings. But sure bet i'll be watching each match from quaterfinals onwards...have made arrangements. Group matches and second round...will try and watch, especially the England matches.

No booklets, magazines, memerobilia for me. Don't fancy them. I just love watching the game. I'm not gonna go crazy over it...

Who will win the cup?

Difficult...personally I fancy England. The team they have is one of the best since 1966. Even without Rooney. Solid defence; good midfield; too bad strikeforce may be a bit blunt. They've got Gerrard and lampard; Backs still can cross the ball. Crouch? Don't mind him doing more of his 'dance' long as England wins.

Of course there are the others: Brazil, Argentina, Germany. France? Just hope they don't crash out at the end of the group stages.

Dark horses? Hmmm...maybe the Czech republic. They did quite well in Euro 2004.

We'll see...after all it's just less than a week away. Now where's my Panadol...

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