Friday, January 16, 2009

What The??

Latest stories hitting the headlines...

Pig's head thrown at UM Mosque...wrapped in a PAS flag!! Ha ha...UMNO really trying to kill itself. Who'd believe PAS would resort to this? And who among the Chinese would bother doing this? (OK, excluding those MCA dogs) And as one commenter put it, why would a sane Chinese throw a pig's head with it's juicy delicious ears intact?

Woo, angpow time? But wait...CNY is still a week away! As usual BN is feeling generous especially when an election is around the corner, this time to journalists in KT. How thick can you get? Anyway police reports have been made...and as usual there is the standard denial by the authorities. Well just goes to prove that BN = money (politics). OUR money!

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